Changsha Kenwei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

RFID Smart Containers - RFID Technology, Systems and Benefits  
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is an automatic identification technology that has matured since the 19...
Key Points of Automated Storage System (Warehouse) Design & Installation
With the development of the global economy, automated warehouses have gradually replaced traditional storage shelves and...
Process of Vertical Carousel & Storage Lift Modules External Structure
Vertical Carousels are essential storage equipment for modern offices. According to the surface treatment process of the...
Storage racking categories|Which storage racking method saves more warehouse space?
There are many different types of shelving, and different types of shelving can be used to store a wide range of goods. ...
Why choose an automated three-dimensional warehouse?
At present more and more enterprises, whether small and medium-sized enterprises, or large enterprises, are seeking to b...
Automatic Storage & Logistics In Pharmaceutical Sector: Advantages Of Using ASAR & KenWei Vertical Carousels
Pharmaceutical companies view automation and intelligence in the warehouse as key to meeting the needs of pharmaceutical...
RFID Intelligent Material Cabinet ASRS System: Composition, Function, Features
The establishment and maintenance of a company's competitive advantage must be guaranteed by efficient and reliable logi...
Why smart medicine cabinet present new opportunities for the retail industry?
At present, under the demand of continuous upgrading and transformation of various professions, this fire of new retail ...